Yacht Series

Chafe-Pro‘s 98-Yacht Grade units have a single layer of heavy-grade black nylon similar to the nylon used in our Commercial Grade series.

The Barracuda model was designed specifically for use on the US Coast Guard 87 foot Protector-class and the old 82 foot Point-class cutters. The Barracuda differs in design from the 98Y series by its dimensions and the materials used. This model has an outer layer of black colored marine-grade polyester and an inner layer of our heavy-grade black nylon.

The Yacht-Grade series is also suitable for use as a “static rope edge protector.”  Call for details.

All models are downward compatible to line sizes and all dimensions are nominal.  The Yacht Series models are sold in pairs.

Feel free to send us an email if you have any questions or want to get a quote.

Standard Lengths

Model # Description Dimension
Yacht Series
05-98Y-14Fits lines 10 to 18mm in diameter35cm
06-98Y-16Fits lines 10 to 24mm in diameter40cm
BarracudaFits lines 18 to 38mm in diameter45cm